Friday, February 4, 2011


We're having a pot luck here at the box tonight, so I thought I'd share my recipe for those who might be interested. I made a very easy, low-key, delicious and Paleo treat, Chocolate Coconut Balls. They look very similar to truffles, but are obviously much healthier for you! Many of our athletes, including superstars Kelly (of "Kelly and Eman") and Erin are huge fans.

Chocolate Coconut Balls*

2 C nuts of your choice (I use almond flour, pecans and walnuts)
1 T cocoa
1 T raw or agave honey
1 T coconut oil
1/4 C unsweetened coconut flakes
Extra coconut flakes (about 1 C)

*Ingredients above make about 10 balls.
**You can also add protein powder to the mixture so that it's not just carbs and healthy fats, but I'm not 100% sure what the amount would be. Maybe cut back on the nut flour??

Put nuts into food processor or blender, process/blend until it's fine, like flour. Note that the mixture will be kind of sticky and moist, but you don't want any big chunks of nuts in there! Put nut "flour" into a bowl. Mix in cocoa, honey, coconut oil and 1/4 C coconut flakes. You'll probably have to mix with your hands, as the coconut oil and honey don't mix well with a spoon. I usually mix for a good minute or two til I don't have honey stuck on my fingers!

Once the mixture is well blended, roll into truffle-sized balls (mine fit perfectly in mini muffin tins). They don't exactly roll easily, so you'll have to put them in your fist and ball them up that way. Once they're nice and round, roll balls in excess coconut flakes to coat their surface. When done, put them in the fridge to set.

I always get lots of compliments on this recipe, but I am sure it could be tweaked to change the flavor a bit. Enjoy!