Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Encounters with the Rich(??) and Famous

Jeff Samardzija is my neighbor. I live in a three-unit walk-up condo building in the garden and first floors; he's up on the third with his girlfriend and horse-dog that gallops up and down the stairs very loudly. I have had one lovely and friendly encounter with him to date, until this morning...

I had worked out at 5:45am (sidenote: first time doing 75# push presses in a workout and I LIVED!), then gone back home to take a nap. After napping, I went to la-tan to burn bronze up for my upcoming Vegas weekend. When I got back home, I pulled into our parking area only to find J-Sam unloading groceries from his car. Awesome... I'm basically a hot mess. In sweats, a t-shirt and hoodie, no make-up, hair is a disaster, etc. I get out of the car, and J-Sam greets me with a supercool "howya doin?" I'm all, "good, thanks!" {I'm literally a few paces behind him now, as he's got his last batch of groceries and is heading into our communal side door} He then proceeds to enter our building via the side door, and slam and lock the door behind him. I literally stopped in my tracks, about 3 feet from the door to think about what just happened (and I think I might've actually said "really???" out loud). Jeff Samardzija knew I was coming in, and yet closed the door and locked it behind him. Nice one, homeboy.

Then I went inside and into the restroom and saw that I had my tanning goggles draped around my neck. Hotttt.

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