Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things I Like Thursday

There are actually two today!

1. Being moved out of my old place and in to my new place. The new place is in total shambles, but I'm so happy to be there!

2. These. I just might get some this weekend to congratulate myself on moving. They're perfect wear-to-ACF-in-the-fall pants.

What are your fave kick-it pants for the fall season?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have a problem.

I'm in mid-move, people. There are four deceptively strong men here taking everything away quicker than I could pack a single box. I'm certain they think I'm crazy because there are approximately 47 bags of clothing scattered throughout my apartment. And I don't blame them, because I, myself, am also confused as to how one person can own so many articles of clothing.

That's the living room. All those bags in the corner? They're two or three bags high and all filled with clothing. Take a stroll into my bedroom, and you'll find...

...even more bags of clothing. There's one bag that contains scarves alone. That? Is absurd. I should be on Hoarding.

Oh hey! That's my closet. With two suitcases, a duffel and four college-era plastic bins of more clothes. The laundry basket holds shoes, but not all of my shoes; I have a large, 4-foot tall box containing about 20 boxes of shoes. Some boxes hold one pair, some hold two... sick.

The move kind of snuck up on me. That being said, I didn't really have time to go through everything and sort things I was "keeping" vs. "donating" vs. "selling." I fully intend to sort as I unpack. In the meantime, I'll continue being guilt-ridden about all the STUFF I've managed to accumulate over the past five years.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


...marks the day that the most amazing woman I know came into the world. My MAMA! I love my mom more than I can express, and I want nothing more than to be just like her someday. Happy Birthday to you, Mama! I love you TONS!

Here are my two sisters (at left) and me with our beautiful, thoughtful, funny and incredible Mama.

Things I Like Thursday

If ya'll haven't noticed, I'm having a bit of a hard time being consistent with the blog. I'd like to post every other day, but at the very very least, when times are tough, just ONCE a week. So, in an attempt at consistency, today is the first of a new weekly installment titled "Things I Like Thursday." Yay! Could be something I like, love, am obsessed with, want, etc...

For the very first TILT, we have a plug for local restaurant and definite obsession of mine, Yolk. This is, hands-down, one of my favorite restaurants in the city. And I only order one item on the menu - the Iron Man omelet. YA'LL! It. Is. So. Good. I get mine cooked dry, with chicken added, and it comes with salsa for dousing or dipping. And I get fruit on the side (pineapple, strawberries and oranges). I've tried other things there - the amaaazing whole-wheat banana pancakes, eggs benedict, the Big Tex omelet* - but the Iron Man steals my heart and satisfies me every time. Yesterday. This morning. Last week. Basically every other week if not weekly. Haven't had it? Get it. Haven't been to Yolk? Go. Immediately. There's one right by Atlas on the corner of Wells and Chicago and a brand new one in Streeterville at Erie and McClurg.

Sidenote: I can't believe I've never taken a picture of my omelet! So sad I don't have a pic to post here. I will take one soon. And that could be tomorrow.

Another reason why I love Yolk so much is because of the people there. They know me and my obsession with their food. They greet me (and Jen and Terry) when we walk in the door, and they don't care that we're sweaty and in gym clothes. One of the managers, Pete, is even going to start up at ACF on Monday! I walked in there today (in the middle of our box-painting session at Atlas) in a gross t-shirt, shorts and flip flops, with paint dabbled all over my body. I looked sick. Pete told me I looked beautiful. That secured Yolk's spot on the inaugural TILT. Congrats, Yolk! I LIKE YOU/LOVE YOU!

*Note that Yolk doesn't JUST serve breakfast... they have all kinds of stuff! I just happen to go there between 10 and noon to eat, for a "working brunch" or just brunch.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I had to be at work early this morning for Basic Training and decided that I would ride my bike in. I left home early - about 6:15 - to get there with time to make coffee and get settled in before the class started. When I got out to the lake path, the sun was still below the horizon, but I could tell it was going to rise any minute. I didn't want to miss it. So I kept looking over, probably every 15 seconds or so, to make sure I didn't miss the sunrise.

I had just passed North Avenue when I peeked over and saw the smaaaallest little sliver of the sun poking out above the horizon. I screeched my bike to a halt and sat down to watch this 60-second phenomenon of the sunrise. And yes, I took out my phone to take a picture. Because I wanted to remember how I felt in that moment. Hopeful. Blessed. Small. Thankful. Curious as to why I didn't watch the sunrise more often...

Life is fast. I spend so much time just going and going and going. Working. Meeting friends. Catching up on Top Chef. Speeding around the corner to be the first one to see a parking spot. Worrying. Wishing. Contemplating. I kill so much time doing these things, using up my energy, spending my thoughts... instead of just. being. still.

I was so excited about seeing the sun rise this morning. But the feeling I had while actually watching it come up was one I wasn't anticipating. I felt like the world just stopped for a few seconds, like I wasn't worrying about anything or rushing to do anything. Like I could just sit there in awe of what was happening, in awe of my Creator, rejoicing in the knowledge that He wanted to meet me there this morning. And thankful that He still pursues me through small moments like that in the midst of my busyness and rushing around.

I realize this post is a little heavier than usual, but it was on my heart, so I wanted to share it. And I encourage you to pause and just listen. God broke through to me this morning and reminded me who He is, and tonight I'm feeling calmer and more at peace than I have in a long time.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

2 Breaths & 30 Compressions

I'm CPR/AED Certified now! We held a certification course today at the box, it was quite fun, and we got to practice on dummies just like The Office crew did in that amaaazing episode. Haven't seen it? View a clip. Or two. Hands-down one of my favorite episodes ever. And the intro is the one where Dwight makes the little trash-can fire and traps everyone in the office. People are throwing chairs and miscellaneous office machines through the window to escape, Angela is pulling her cats out of drawers to save them... SO FUNNY. But I digress... thanks to our fabulous course and great instructor, ACF athletes can now rest assured that if they go into cardiac arrest, choke on beef jerkey, or have a stroke, a CPR-certified coach will come to their rescue!