Monday, September 13, 2010


I had to be at work early this morning for Basic Training and decided that I would ride my bike in. I left home early - about 6:15 - to get there with time to make coffee and get settled in before the class started. When I got out to the lake path, the sun was still below the horizon, but I could tell it was going to rise any minute. I didn't want to miss it. So I kept looking over, probably every 15 seconds or so, to make sure I didn't miss the sunrise.

I had just passed North Avenue when I peeked over and saw the smaaaallest little sliver of the sun poking out above the horizon. I screeched my bike to a halt and sat down to watch this 60-second phenomenon of the sunrise. And yes, I took out my phone to take a picture. Because I wanted to remember how I felt in that moment. Hopeful. Blessed. Small. Thankful. Curious as to why I didn't watch the sunrise more often...

Life is fast. I spend so much time just going and going and going. Working. Meeting friends. Catching up on Top Chef. Speeding around the corner to be the first one to see a parking spot. Worrying. Wishing. Contemplating. I kill so much time doing these things, using up my energy, spending my thoughts... instead of just. being. still.

I was so excited about seeing the sun rise this morning. But the feeling I had while actually watching it come up was one I wasn't anticipating. I felt like the world just stopped for a few seconds, like I wasn't worrying about anything or rushing to do anything. Like I could just sit there in awe of what was happening, in awe of my Creator, rejoicing in the knowledge that He wanted to meet me there this morning. And thankful that He still pursues me through small moments like that in the midst of my busyness and rushing around.

I realize this post is a little heavier than usual, but it was on my heart, so I wanted to share it. And I encourage you to pause and just listen. God broke through to me this morning and reminded me who He is, and tonight I'm feeling calmer and more at peace than I have in a long time.

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