Thursday, September 23, 2010

Things I Like Thursday

If ya'll haven't noticed, I'm having a bit of a hard time being consistent with the blog. I'd like to post every other day, but at the very very least, when times are tough, just ONCE a week. So, in an attempt at consistency, today is the first of a new weekly installment titled "Things I Like Thursday." Yay! Could be something I like, love, am obsessed with, want, etc...

For the very first TILT, we have a plug for local restaurant and definite obsession of mine, Yolk. This is, hands-down, one of my favorite restaurants in the city. And I only order one item on the menu - the Iron Man omelet. YA'LL! It. Is. So. Good. I get mine cooked dry, with chicken added, and it comes with salsa for dousing or dipping. And I get fruit on the side (pineapple, strawberries and oranges). I've tried other things there - the amaaazing whole-wheat banana pancakes, eggs benedict, the Big Tex omelet* - but the Iron Man steals my heart and satisfies me every time. Yesterday. This morning. Last week. Basically every other week if not weekly. Haven't had it? Get it. Haven't been to Yolk? Go. Immediately. There's one right by Atlas on the corner of Wells and Chicago and a brand new one in Streeterville at Erie and McClurg.

Sidenote: I can't believe I've never taken a picture of my omelet! So sad I don't have a pic to post here. I will take one soon. And that could be tomorrow.

Another reason why I love Yolk so much is because of the people there. They know me and my obsession with their food. They greet me (and Jen and Terry) when we walk in the door, and they don't care that we're sweaty and in gym clothes. One of the managers, Pete, is even going to start up at ACF on Monday! I walked in there today (in the middle of our box-painting session at Atlas) in a gross t-shirt, shorts and flip flops, with paint dabbled all over my body. I looked sick. Pete told me I looked beautiful. That secured Yolk's spot on the inaugural TILT. Congrats, Yolk! I LIKE YOU/LOVE YOU!

*Note that Yolk doesn't JUST serve breakfast... they have all kinds of stuff! I just happen to go there between 10 and noon to eat, for a "working brunch" or just brunch.

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