Saturday, September 11, 2010

2 Breaths & 30 Compressions

I'm CPR/AED Certified now! We held a certification course today at the box, it was quite fun, and we got to practice on dummies just like The Office crew did in that amaaazing episode. Haven't seen it? View a clip. Or two. Hands-down one of my favorite episodes ever. And the intro is the one where Dwight makes the little trash-can fire and traps everyone in the office. People are throwing chairs and miscellaneous office machines through the window to escape, Angela is pulling her cats out of drawers to save them... SO FUNNY. But I digress... thanks to our fabulous course and great instructor, ACF athletes can now rest assured that if they go into cardiac arrest, choke on beef jerkey, or have a stroke, a CPR-certified coach will come to their rescue!

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